Board organizational and operational principles:

ARTICLE I – Name, purposes and objectives

The name of this organization is Advisory Board for Petroleum Engineering and its purpose is to assist and advise The University of Tulsa McDougall School of Petroleum Engineering in its pursuit of excellence in education and research for the petroleum industry. The major objectives of the Advisory Board are:

  1. Assist in recruiting and retention of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff.
  2. Assist in developing active and useful research programs.
  3. Stimulate financial support.
  4. Advise on operating plans to meet petroleum industry requirements.
  5. Advise other organizations of the needs and interests of the McDougall School of Petroleum Engineering.

ARTICLE II – Membership

Selected by the Department Chairman in consultation with the Petroleum Engineering Faculty and approved by the Dean of Engineering & Natural Sciences. Also, nominations by the Advisory Board will be solicited. Members will be selected from major and independent oil and gas producers, service companies, state government and federal agencies.

Membership on the Advisory Board will be for a period of three years. The usual term of the officers will be two years. Termination of the membership is automatic unless further service is requested. All members serve at the pleasure of the Department.

ARTICLE III – Organization

The officers of the Advisory Board shall consist of a chairperson, vice-chairperson, (who will be the chairperson elect), and secretary. The officers will be elected by a majority vote of the Advisory Board. The three officers form the executive committee. Each officer will serve a two year term and shall be nominated at the Board meeting. The chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Advisory Board and appoint task forces and committees as he or she deems necessary and advisable to carry out the purposes and objectives of the Board. The chairperson may appoint, upon consultation with the Department Chairperson, individuals to task forces or sub-committees, or he or she may invite members to furnish individuals to serve on such task forces and sub-committees. The vice-chairperson shall act in the absence of the chairperson. The secretary shall prepare and distribute a meeting agenda prior to each meeting of the Advisory Board, maintain the minutes, records and files of the board.

ARTICLE IV -Conduct of Business

The Advisory Board will meet at least once every year, preferably in the fall. Meetings will usually be held on The University of Tulsa campus. The executive committee will meet at least two times a year in a place chosen by the Chairperson of the Advisory Board. All matters coming and discussed before the Advisory Board, unless otherwise specifically decided by the Board, will be decided by a majority vote of the total voting members present.

Prior to the conduct of business at a meeting of the Advisory Board, a quorum of at least fifty percent (50%) of the members must be present, but a lesser percent may adjourn the meeting. Each member present shall be entitled to one vote. A member may issue a written power of proxy to one of his or her employees or co-workers to exercise in person. A copy of said written power of proxy shall be faxed to the Chairman of the McDougall School of Petroleum Engineering at The University of Tulsa. No other form of proxy shall be permitted. If a quorum is not present, the attending members may decide that a mail ballot be conducted on the business that requires voting. If a majority of all of the members approve any matter by roll taken by mail or telex, the matter shall be considered as approved, as if voted on in a regular meeting of the Advisory Board.

The Chairperson of the Advisory Board will write an annual letter to the Chairperson of the Department summarizing current activities and recommendations, as well as progress towards achieving objectives. The Chairperson of the Department will provide an oral report to the Advisory Board at least once annually on the overall status of the Department.

ARTICLE V – Amendments

Amendments or changes to these Advisory Board Organizational and Operational Principles require a simple majority vote of the members.

ARTICLE VI – Dissolution

The Advisory Board may be dissolved upon the affirmative vote of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of all the members.